Thursday, January 28, 2010

One down

I survived my first day of work! It actually isn't a huge deal because I didn't see kids today, but it was still overwhelming and a little stressful. I feel like I am on information overload. I met a bazillion people today and yesterday, many of whom I don't remember, and many of whom I have met twice. I got to see my friend who works there, which was fun, but I didn't get to talk with her much as we were so busy. I got to help with planning and scheduling some testing today, so I was able to do something productive. I don't get a desk or anything for a while at least, so that is a little stressful, but I don't have to teach kids for about a week either, which will give me some time to try to organize my life.

Another productive thing I did today was translate for a couple of parent-teacher conferences. The first one was great because I didn't actually have to translate the whole thing, I just have to help clarify if anyone needed it. The second one was much more difficult. I had to translate the entire conference and I was pretty uncomfortable about it. I just felt like I didn't have the skills yet to competently translate. It was hard because I could tell the mother was having a little bit of difficulty understanding me. I did what I could, though, and I figure that is all I could ask for. I know my Spanish skills will get better as I use it, and as I take chances. I am very hopeful!

I am excited about starting to work with kids, but apparently I am going to have a "very tough group." The kids have some issues, which I know nothing about, and apparently the teacher before me didn't do a whole lot for the students and kinda made them hate going to her class. I feel like I have a lot of ground to make up for these kids to be successful. I am already brainstorming ideas for lessons and techniques I may be able to use. I am excited to use what I have learned and figure out what works for these kids. I want to make a difference! I think I picked a good school for that, if nothing else. These kids like to fight, cuss, be mean, indimidate each other, etc. I am sure they are going to try some of those things with me because I look so young, so I am going to have to be very tough at first, and if they cooperate and are respectful then I can ease up a little, but I know if I am too lenient at first then I know they will try to take advantage of that.

I know I have a LOT to learn, and I really want to do the best I can for these kids. Teaching is my passion and I want to make a difference in the lives of these students. I want to be able to work with their teachers to make a successful team and do a lot of good for them. I am still nervous that I am in charge of kids though. I am having a hard time remembering that I am my own entity now, no longer a student teacher who has to do what my cooperating teacher says. It's quite different from what I am used to, but I am going to have to get over it quickly!

Ok, enough for now. Gonna go relax in the bath tub for a while. And I need to go to bed early... 5:15 comes too soon in the morning.

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