Friday, January 22, 2010

Perpetual waiting

I am STILL waiting to hear about my job. I was told I would get a phone call yesterday and I didn't. I called the office this morning and was told that a decision still hadn't been reached because the "boss" still hasn't looked over my peperwork. The lady I talked to said she hopes to have a decision for me today, and that everything still looks good, but she is just waiting for her boss to look over everything. I still don't have my certification, but I took my application to Santa Fe on Wednesday so that saved about 2 days. Plus, I was able to get a confirmation that I turned it in for me to fax the office that might hire me, so I hope that cuts it when it comes to my certification, at least for the next two weeks or so. Ugh, I just want to know already! This is two week I could have been subbing and making money, but I have been on hold...

On a different note, our sink and hardware has made it to our house, which is good because we didn't think they would make it on time. Our kitchen is completely drywalled and textured. Today we are going to prime the whole room, paint the ceiling, and hopefully decide on a wall color for the rest of the room. I got a quart of paint that I liked on the sample card, but I'm not sure it is going to work, so we may be back to square one... We will just have to wait and see about that, though. The people from the cabinet company are coming today to make sure the room is ready to be finished. The electricians have not finised their work, which makes me a little nervous, because we don't have any switches or plugs or anything. But, the best news is that the cabinets are coming on Monday!! They will be installed on Monday and Tuesday. The countertop people will come on Thursday to make a template for our counters. Supposedly it will take about a week for the counters to be finished. We were hoping to be able to have a Super Bowl party, to celebrate our new kitchen, but we are pretty sure it won't be done :-(

I feel like my life is all about waiting right now. I guess God is trying to teach me patience... I'll update when something new happens...

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