Sunday, March 29, 2009


Today we learned about humility in church... it was pretty much right on. The passage was Luke 18:9-14, the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector. These two men go into the temple to pray. The Pharisee thanks God that he is not like the rest of the sinners, that he is not like the tax collector who is standing next to him. The tax collector is showing knows he is so unworthy of being in God's presentce that he never looks up, he beats his chest out of shame, and he sits as far away from the throne as possible. God says those that are humble are righteous. It was an interesting sermon, mostly because I generally think of myself as a pretty humble person. Obviously I have moments where I take credit, but I try really hard not to. The pastor mentioned that when we are being "humble" we are really fishing for compliments... which I know I am guilty of sometimes. But he put true humility in perspective for me, and pointed out what it says about it through other passages in the Bible. It was a great lesson and now I know of some things I should work on. Then, in the nursery, we just had 7 babies and they were all really nice for the most part. Plus it was fun to see my bestest nursery friend, whom I haven't seen but like 3 times all semester. It was nice to catch up with her.
Then, after church, we went to eat at Dion's, my favorite pizza place, with our Sunday school class. It is so nice to see them because I never get to during class time (I am always with the babies). We had a really good time, though.
I tried to call my parents to see what they were up to today but I couldn't get ahold of them. Who knows what they are up to. I wanted to ask them what happened between my cousin and his girlfriend of 7+ years. They just broke up and he moved out, leaving his girlfriend and their two daughters (5 and 2) in their house, for some reason. I don't knwo what happened but this is probably a rough time for them because I know my cousin loves his girls so much and it will not be easy for him to be apart from them. If you could pray for them that would be awesome. Mostly that they would come to Christ, but also that the girls won't be wrecked because of this and that they can work something out so the girls can still see their dad. This was a pretty big shock to us.
Ok, on to homework. Hopefully this week is as good as last week was, but that might be kinda hard to do because this week was so good. I am really looking forward to going home again, but that won't happen until Easter weekend (to celebrate Jordan's birthday, yay!) But I have to get through a couple more weeks before that will happen.
Also, real quick- my cousin who has cancer just had her 2nd round of chemo and is doing remarkably better than last time, at least so far, so that is an amazing praise report. I don't know many details, but she is a fantastic young woman and is staying as strong as possible through all this. I hope God uses this to bring her back to Him, and soon. We love her so much, and just want her to get better as quickly as possible. Love you, Aly!

1 comment:

  1. I will miss our once a month catch up sessions next year! Praying for you and Jason and your brothers and your sister! Haha... okay... for your whole family!
