Saturday, January 8, 2011

Painting and weight

We are going to finish painting the baby's room this weekend? I spent about 2.5 hours painting this afternoon while Jason was working on our entertainment center. Tomorrow we will do the stripe, and then the painting will be finished! (Until we do the closet, that is, but that is another project entirely.) I will take pictures as soon as it is finished, but you will have to excuse the lack of furniture, as we don't have anything except one piece. But you will get the idea!

In weight news: I have gained 10 lbs according to the doctor, but at that appointment I thought it should have been 14 lbs. I don't know why there is so much of a difference, but the doctor thinks I am doing really well. According to my calculations I should be up about 20 lbs at the moment, so I am really curious about what the scale will say when I go back to the doctor in a week and a half. I hope it doesn't look like I gained 14 lbs in a month! I would cry. We shall see how it goes. Two people at work have told me I look the most pregnant of the three of us at work who are pregnant. The kicker is I am not that big! And the most pregnant lady is at 33 weeks right now. I don't know why people feel the need to tell me how huge I look, it is not very nice to tell a pregnant girl how fat she looks. I am not terribly bothered by it because I have only gained the weight in my belly, and the other girl has gained all over (not to be mean, she just started out stick thin and now actually looks normal and she is super adorable). I guess I just don't need people telling me I look more pregnant than I actually am because I feel huge already.

Overall I am feeling great. I'm a little tired, but I think that has more to do with teaching than it does with anything else. I have started having backaches, which is unfortunate, because I don't have a supportive chair at work. I haven't had any weird cravings, although veggies do not taste as good as they used to. I pretty much avoid them all together. I have been eating healthier snacks these days, like trail mix, and that seems to make me feel pretty good. Fruit is also delicious, so I eat as much of that as possible. Especially apples, which I used to not care much for, are what sound the best most of the time. Pregnancy is so weird and changes your body so much in crazy ways. I just hope my backaches and sciatic nerve pain don't get worse because they are not pleasant.

All of this and I can't think of a better prize at the end of it all- getting to meet my son! We still don't have any names decided on, but hopefully we can decide in the next few weeks so I can finish getting the nursery ready. Who knows, though, because Jason really needs to think about big decisions for a while, and this is a huge decision. I know we will decide within the next 4 months or so, since I'm due exactly 4 months from today! Holy cow...

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