Tuesday, September 28, 2010

First appointment

Tomorrow is the big day! I get to go to the doctor for the first time. I'm so excited and nervous at the same time. I'm nervous because I want everything to be OK. If I'm being honest, these last few days I haven't felt very pregnant. It is probably mostly because I have a cold and that pretty much trumps everything right now. I had a tiny bit of food aversion this morning, but I still ate breakfast, and I'm kinda tired, but I figure that could be from the cold as well. Who knows, I guess I'm just playing tricks on myself. I have no cramping and no bleeding, which apparently are both good signs. I don't know why I am worrying, either, because I can't do anything to control this either way. I guess I am just going to have to try to keep my stress level down so that I don't do any unintentional harm to him/her. I will update tomorrow once I know how everything is going and if anything has changed! Wish me luck!

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