Oh man, this week. There are not words to describe it... So not only am I in the middle of full teach, but my teacher is out all week because she has two kiddos home sick with the flu. It is insane. I didn't know she was going to be gone yesterday, which completely threw me off, but today was even crazier because of all the stuff she needed me to do since she couldn't be there today. I have a bazillion papers to grade, because 5th graders have to do a lot of homework to learn everything they need to learn. Outrageous! Thankfully my subs have been really helpful in that they help me maintain order in the classroom. My classroom management skills still need a little work, but I'd like to think I am getting better at it. Anyway, this week is going to really quickly so far, which is awesome because Jason is coming to visit me this weekend. We are going to the TTU vs. UNM game, which will hopefully be a blowout, but who knows based on the way Tech is playing this year. Should be fun no matter what! We are going to stay at the house I am living at for one night and we are going to stay at a really nice hotel one night. I'm excited.
My sister has gotten some interesting news. Apparently the baby is 3 weeks smaller than her gestational age, which means she is "too small." The doctors are going to keep an eye on her and if there is any sign of stress she is going to be induced a little early. My sister has kind of had a rough pregnancy, and I'm a little worried about how she is going to handle a new baby with a toddler. But, she is staying strong and she will hopefully make it until her due date to keep Shelby baking as long as possible.
I feel like I had so much more to write about when I sat down to do this but I can't seem to think of anything else. I am about to start doing my lesson plans for tomorrow while I watch a movie. Time to get things done so I can relax for the rest of the evening!
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