Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Another rough day

I know, it seems weird that I would be writing a post two days in a row, but that is just how much is going on right now that I need to get out. I was so stressed out today that I had a really tight chest this morning and felt like I was going to cry all morning long. It started off with a parent telling me that an assignment I gave out was stupid and that it didn't make any sense to him for his child to have this assignment. Thankfully it was not an assignment I thought up, so I didn't have to defend myself, but it is difficult listening to a parent be so critical. I am thankful that I have an experienced teacher with me that knows how to handle parents like this, but it is still hard on me. I can already tell that is going to be the hardest part of the job, by far.

Then, I had to organize all of the papers that Mrs. D asked me to make copies of and give the students to redo. It was difficult to keep two days' worth of work organized, graded, and separated so that my teacher could easily get everything input into the computer tonight since report cards go out SOON!! I'm thankful that I am really getting the true feel of what it is like to be a teacher. I wish it wasn't so stressful this week, but I am having a very valuable learning experience. I still think God made me to be a teacher! (and a mother, but for now I will settle for being a teacher, lol)

Ok, I guess that is all for now. I get to have coffee tonight with my very best friend in the whole wide world. Super excited about girl time tonight!!

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