Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Literally, that is how I spent my afternoon and evening yesterday. I was feeling kinda crummy when I woke up, decided to go work out anyway, and felt fine during my hour workout. Then I came home, got ready for school, and started feeling icky again. My stomach was just hurting and I felt a little nauseated. I drank some Sprite, made it through the day, and was even able to teach a lesson to the 4th grade math class I am in right now. I was on my way to Spanish, which starts at 4pm after I get out of being at the elementary school at 3:15pm, and decided I probably shouldn't go. My stomach wasn't getting any better and it actually felt a little worse. So I came home, emailed my professor, and then all h*** broke loose. I had to go to the bathroom every 10 minutes, then I threw up everything that was left inside me... it was horrible. I hate throwing up, so this is like the worst illness imaginable. Well I started feeling better when I was falling asleep on the couch, only I wasn't comfortable enough to actually fall asleep. So I decided to just go to bed. When I woke up this morning my stomach didn't hurt any more, but I have ZERO energy because of the lack of anything nutritious in my body. I lost 3 lbs. this week and I am thinking it is all from yesterday. I am off to school today, though, and hopefully by lunch time I will feel like eating something. Today is going to be SO LONG. I have class from 9-11:30, 12:15-3:15, meeting at 4 with a professor, then meeting at 5 to work on a project. This must be what it feels like to work a real job... wish me luck!

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