Saturday, February 18, 2012

Surgery Update

The surgery went well yesterday, praise Jesus! He was a little fussy because he wasn't allowed to eat when he got up, but overall he was in great spirits all the way until they took him back. He was in surgery for about an hour and we waited (rather impatiently in my case). Then the doctor came out and told us everything went well and we could go see him when he started waking up. We went back about 30 minutes later and I got to hold him right away and feed him. He was not happy to have his hand all wrapped up to hold the IV in place, but other than that he was donig really well. I fed him a bit and just snuggled with him for a little while. They took the IV out and we got to go home. Just like that! It was so much better than I was afraid of. I know I need to trust in God in situations like this, but it seemed like no matter how much I tried to place my fears and anxieties in His hands, I still held on to some. It is definitely something I want to work on in the future. Thanks for all the prayers and they are still appreciated as he is trying to heal. Have a great weekend!

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