Thursday, February 16, 2012

Surgery tomorrow

Levi's surgery is finally here and will happen tomorrow morning. I have been (unfaithfully) fretting about it all day, because not only is my baby boy having a for-real surgery, but I had to get my class ready for a sub tomorrow. It is stressful getting ready for a sub, but it's worse when I have this major event hanging over my head. I'm trying so hard to just trust that God has everything under control and that Levi is in his hands, but the humanity comes out in me when I start thinking of all the scary things that could happen. Not to mention, Levi will not be allowed to have a bottle when he wakes up in the morning, and we are going to have one CRANKY baby when he gets up if he can't have his bottle. We vascillated between waking him up at midnight or just letting him sleep, and we decided to just let him sleep tonight because regardless he is going to want a bottle in the morning because it is his routine. Sigh. It is going to be a rough night of no sleep for me, but an even rougher morning when we have to bathe Levi and not let him eat. I don't know how people do this with kids that are always going to the hospital for one reason or another. This tiny, minor surgery is nothing in the grand scheme of surgeries, but I am still so anxious. I suppose this is the hardest part about being a parent: not being able to help your child no matter how badly you want to. I'm so thankful that he is so healthy and that we are able to get this surgery done for him. I know we are truly blessed to have our precious baby boy in our family and that God trusted us enough to be his parents. Thinking about that amazing blessing and responsibility is completely overwhelming.
On that note, I need to go mentally prepare for tomorrow. Please keep Levi in your prayers tonight and tomorrow as we jump this huge hurdle. And please pray for Jason and I as we have to wait for his surgery to be complete and make it through the morning with a supremely cranky baby.

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