How can I say this when it is only Thursday? Because I don't see students on Fridays, so my week is complete! I am using tomorrow to plan and prepare for next week (which is a good thing because I, apparently, have my second observation on MONDAY of next week, which I just learned about this afternoon). This week was relatively eventful, but in a good way.
First of all I have had three GREAT days in a row. Today wasn't so hot, but it wasn't bad, so I am counting it in the good column. Tuesday I had really good lessons for all my groups, so that was exciting. Everyone did their work for me and there were absolutely no discipline issues. As if you couldn't tell, this is a pretty big deal, so it was really exciting.
Wednesday was another good day, although this was mostly because it was a half day. I only saw 4 groups of kids out of 9, so it was nice. Again, all the kids did their work and didn't argue about it. It helps that I am able to bribe them with candy and stuff because there aren't those silly regulations like there were in Texas. I can give them anything I want and the only person who frowns on it is the nurse. I am willing to bet that if she had some of the kids I have she would be doing the same thing, though, so I am not too concerned. And bribery works!
Also yesterday I learned that my 6th graders, who I work with in their classroom for 30 minutes each day, really enjoy me coming to work with them. Now, I am not sure if it is because I am all that fun or that they get one-on-one instruction, or what, but these three boys always double and triple check with their teacher to make sure that I am coming every day. Today, one of them actually gave me his chair because there weren't enough when I came in the room and he got another one from his desk. It is a good feeling to know that I am having a positive impact on these kids' lives and when I work with them and I see them "get it" I remember why I chose to be a teacher.
Today was a little shaky, but we got through it. My trouble-maker kept trying to push my buttons, but I did my very best not to let him. I just don't know what to do about him since he is my size and he has a problem with women in authority. He is very argumentative and he keeps trying to get me to send him to the office or something, because he thinks I can't make him. He doesn't understand that I have the principal in my corner and we already have arrangements made for what happens if I have to send him to the office or something gets out of control. It is hard for me to know where to draw the line, and how stern/strict to be. I think for the most part the kids understand when I mean business and they don't push it beyond that point, but I am waiting for the one kid to just blow up one day and I am not entirely sure how I am going to deal with it. I guess until then I am just going to have to stay strong and deal with everything the best way I know how.
I am looking forward to tomorrow also because my BEST FRIEND is coming to visit me! I haven't seen her since December at my graduation and I miss her like crazy. She was my support system when I was still in Texas doing my student teaching and now that I don't live near her it is hard to keep that connection. We talk often (though not often enough) and are staying close, but getting to see her this weekend is going to be so awesome. Her and her husband enjoy many of the same things Jason and I enjoy so it is going to be a wonderful weekend.
Speaking of visitors, I better go finish cleaning my house. There is no way I would even let them in the front door with my house looking like it is right now. Gotta get busy!
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