Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Crawling and eating

So, Levi is officially mobile! He is crawling on all fours, rather than army-crawling like before, and he is already trying to stand up on the furniture. He can't get up all that often because we have tall furniture, but he keeps trying! Once he is up, though, he is already cruising along. It is incredible to see the motivation he has to get walking. I think it is going to be pretty soon when he decides he is going to walk.
Not to mention we have not found a single food this boy does not like. The other day for lunch he had half of a banana, a whole fruit cup and 2 chicken nuggets. I didn't even know his tummy was that big! It surprises us every day how much he can eat. His favorites right now are bananas and meat. He will eat cheerios if we are trying to keep him entertained while we are busy cooking or something, but he prefers bananas. He hasn't quite figured out the sippy cup yet, but we keep hoping it will just click for him one of these days, or we are going to have to try a different cup that isn't so hard for him to use. My little boy is getting so big!
And, he LOVES the cat. Any time he sees the cat he starts laughing and chasing him. It is so funny because the cat HATES babies. Levi will crawl right over to him and the cat just bolts to the other side of the room. It is quite comical.

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