Tuesday, April 6, 2010

short one

I know it has been a while since my last update, but really not much has happened in the last week. We filed our taxes, went fishing, and hung out with family for Easter. Taxes are nothing special (until we get our refund). Fishing was a bust, although it was a beautiful day and spending it on the boat at the lake was fantastic. And Easter was lovely, but it is always lovely.

I have started to watch my niece and nephew in the afternoon so my sister can start working out (so she will quit smoking, hopefully) although I have not been very consistent. It is hard to make any kind of daily commitment like that when one is working. Speaking of working out, I have not really stayed with it as much as I should. I have decided to make sure I don't eat any more than 1500 calories per day, and I did it today without any problem, so I think I may need to cut it down a smidgeon more. We will see how it goes with me keeping my food journal though. Tedious, I will admit, but hopefully effective.

Tomorrow I get to see my aunt! Woohoo! I haven't seen her in a few months and she has not seen our house yet, so it will be fun.

Testing starts on Thursday at work, nothing exciting other than I don't have to worry about planning any lessons for the next two weeks, which will be nice. Unfortunately I heard today that I probably will not have a job next year, at least not in this position. That is super stressful, as we can not really afford for me not to work next year. But, that is not in my hands and I have to keep reminding myself that I can't control it and God has everything under control. Pray for my peace of mind, though, if you would.

I think that is about it. Like I said, not much new in my life. I hope this week continues to be uneventful!

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